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    Saturday, July 18, 2009

    Choosing the right weapon

    Most people think bigger is better. Especially when it comes to guns and killing zombies. Well, unless they are posted up at some military base or on a tank of some kind they couldn't be more wrong.

    In a class 1 or 2 infestation, you just might get away with walking around with a hand cannon and a back pack full of ammo. Hell, you may even do some good before you get munched. But when it comes to a class 3 or 4, well you'd be better off throwing them at the zombies or dropping it on them from on high.

    I will discuss in greater detail exactly what weapons have been proven the best and most affective. When to pick portability over firepower. Picking the right ammo for the right kill. Lastly, choosing the right accessories to compliment your zombie killing spree. Stay tuned, it could mean the difference between surviving and munching your friends. :D

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